Children Madrassa classes
The madrassa classes cater for children aged 5-12, teaching the recitation of the Qur’an as well as other basic principles of Islam
Start Date: 14/04/2015
End Date: 31/12/2020
Time: 4:30-6:30 pm
Teacher: Various Male & Female teachers
Cost: £16 per month
Location/Room: Golden Mosque
Teenage Madrassa classes
This course is designed specifically for the older students, teaching an advanced level of tajweed and the isyllabys which covers Islamic studies.
The course is open to both male and female students over 12 years old.
The isyllabus covers all the topics for GCSE Islamic studies and therefore our aim is for all students to sit the GCSE Islamic studies exam.
Start Date: 05/04/2014
End Date: 31/12/2021
Time: 11- 1 pm
Teacher: Various Male & Female teachers
Cost: £16 per month
Location/Room: Golden Mosque
Shaykh Sa’ad Al Attas is teaching the 2nd session of Tajweed going through practical learning using specialised qaida’s. The course fee is £50. There are 2 seperate class times: 5-6pm for Sisters and 6-7pm for Brothers
Tajweed Level 2
Start Date: 01/02/2015
End Date: 31/05/2015
Time: Sundays 5-7pm
Teacher: Shaykh Sa’ad Al Attas
Cost: £50
Location/Room: Golden Mosque
Quran Tafsir
Come and learn the meaning and extended message of the Quran as documented and commentated by the historical scholars. Course notes will be provided for this study. This class will continue every friday evening while the whole quran is studied, students can join at any time and continue to learn and be inspired and enlighted by Quran.
Start Date: 16/05/2014
End Date: 11/05/2018
Time: Friday 7-8pm
Teacher: Shaykh M. Shabbir Sialvi
Cost: £50 per term
Location/Room: Golden Mosque
During this course you cover 5 arabic books, in the books you will learn many new words, new grammatical structures, various dialogs that can be applied in everyday life.
Speaking: We will teach and develop your speaking abilities step by step
Writing: You will write during the class, also during your homework session improving your writing skills.
Listening: You hearing will become attuned and your listening skills aligned
Understanding: Your understanding will increase the more you attend the course
Grammar: During this level the relevant grammar will be covered
Start Date: 01/09/2014
End Date: 31/08/2016
Time: Tuesdays 7-8pm
Teacher: Shaykh M. Shabbir Sialvi
Cost: £50 per term
Location/Room: Golden Mosque
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